Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bug List

                                                    A list of 20 things that bug me:

       Bug: Ordering a bagel with cream cheese at Dunkin Donuts and they put way to much cream
                 cheese on one side and not enough on the other
       Why: You end up with way to much cream cheese only on one side of the bagel and nothing on
                 the other side making you work harder to go back and dived the cream cheese up evenly.

      Bug: Clogging up your email with spam emails, preventing you from finding the important ones.
      Why: Accidentally giving your email to mass emailing lists that creates a cluttered inbox and
                prevents you from keeping your email regulated and updated with only crucial emails.

      Bug: Getting stuck behind slow drivers when in a rush to get somewhere.
      Why: You get more annoyed and feel more rushed when already late to something and the person
                 in front of you is going below the speed limit.

      Bug: Biting your tongue while eating food.
      Why: Not only is it painful but also you have no control over it and it can hinder your whole
                eating experience.

       Bug: When someone is smoking in a public place and it reeks of cigarettes.
       Why: Not only is it harmful for the person and everyone they are smoking around while also
                 making it hard for the people they are smoking around to breathe.

       Bug: Being placed on hold for an extended period of time.
       Why: It is frustrating when you are trying to figure out a need in a timely matter and you are not
                 getting any answers because you are listening to the same pre-recorded song while on

       Bug: Getting bitten by bugs you cannot see when outside at night.
       Why: This is especially annoying during the summer when trying to enjoy your time around dusk
                 but end up hyper aware of the bugs biting you and your lack of control over it.

       Bug: Not being able to find a seat at the library.
       Why: This is frustrating when you are stressed about work that you need to get done and cannot
                 find anywhere to sit down and get started on it.

       Bug: Having to wait for a table to become available while out to dinner when you're hungry.
       Why: This is annoying mainly because there is nothing really to do but hope someone gets up
                 soon and makes you extra aware of how hungry you actually are.

       Bug: When someone says they have something important they need to talk to you about then
       Why: I do not like not knowing thing, so when someone forgets what they were going to say I
                 am left wondering if it was about be or something important to me.

      Bug: When you are bored and all of your friends are busy.
      Why: It is frustrating when your schedules do not match up to your friends and are stuck by
                yourself trying to find something to do, this is especially annoying for people like myself
                who enjoy my friends company and struggle doing things alone.

       Bug: When you are thirsty but have no opportunity to get water anywhere.
       Why: You become hyper aware of your thirst especially when you have no way to quench it, it
                 can make me super on edge and will become the only thing on my mind.

        Bug: When there are no open seats left in a class I am trying to sign up for.
        Why: This can throw off your whole schedule and cause you to take something you may not

        Bug: When it's raining and I forget an umbrella or raincoat.
        Why: It forces you to either wait out the rain or get completely soaked.

        Bug: When people put dirty feet on my bed.
        Why: My bed is a place that I only go to when I feel clean since I sleep there and do not want to
                  wash the sheets every day.

         Bug: Losing the remote control when you are trying to turn the TV on in time for a certain
         Why: You end up missing the beginning of the show you are trying to watch since you can't
                     even turn the TV on.

          Bug: When you want a bowl of cereal and find out there is no more milk.
          Why: Forces you to put the already poured cereal back into the box and eat something else

         Bug: Missing the bus by a minute and watching it leave the stop without you.
         Why: Makes you late for wherever you were supposed to go and it is frustrating to think you
                   would not have been in the situation if you had left just a few moments sooner.

          Bug: Receiving solicitor calls all the time even when you tell them to stop.
          Why: It is annoying to constantly answer the phone to something you do not support or need.

          Bug: Returning online packages.
          Why: The process is annoying especially if you only have a certain amount of days to compete
                    the return in order to get your money back.

         Creating this list proved a little more difficult than I initially thought. It is much harder to think of 20 things that bug you outside of the specific instance that they actually occur. It is also difficult because they are not at the forefront of your mind when nothing is currently bothering you the moment. I had to reach out to friends to see what slight annoyances they had faced recently to compile this list.


  1. Hey Brooke!

    I too found creating this list to be difficult and reached out to some friends asking for their perspective on life's "bugs." We actually included many of the same bugs in our posts. Specifically, I too wrote about robocalls, issues with the bus system, and slow drivers. You also included many bugs which are extremely relevant to myself and my family, but which I did not think about when writing my list. Among these were losing the T.V. remote and forgetting an umbrella or coat on rainy days.

  2. Good evening Brooke,

    There were many things on your list that I did not even come close to mentioning. I think that is great because almost everything on your list was true situations that any of us could face on a daily basis. When I read some of the things on your list, I started to get anxiety, especially with the cereal and running out of milk. I felt, not only bugged, but infuriated because there have been many of times that I have eaten dry cereal just to curb my fix. I would love to spitball some solutions to these issues because they are very interesting.

    On a side note because I am very curious. You have probably heard this many times, but are you related to Governor DeSantis by a chance?

  3. Hi Brooke,

    I really enjoyed reading your post! I noticed that you covered a lot of "bugs" that I did not think about until I read yours. In my opinion, one of the most annoying "bugs" that you mentioned is not being able to find seats in the library. That is a daily struggle of mine. I also enjoyed reading your reflection and agree that at first, it was difficult to come up with my list of "bugs" without it happening that specific moment. Overall, great post!

  4. Hi Brooke,
    I really enjoyed your list, it was easy to follow and didn't feel choppy at all. I agree with slow drivers because it's just incredibly annoying especially in the city, the speed limit is already slow, its 35 mph in most places so going slower makes it feel like a city wide school zone. Also, spam emails are the annoyance of a lifetime, I can't even begin to talk about how much I wish I could send out one "Unsubscribe all" email, and get it over with.
