Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Reading Reflection No.1

Reading Reflection No.1 
For my reading reflection I chose, Grinding It Out by Ray Kroc, where he talks about how he took a small business and transformed it into a global empire. 
1. After reading about Kroc and learning his story, I was most surprised that all of his success did not happen until much later on in life. He did not meet the McDonalds brothers until age 52, and that is when his real career began. I most admire that he did not let his past failures stop him, he continued trying regardless of many failed career attempts. The one thing though that I was a tad discouraged by was how reckless he was with some of his decisions. 
2. A few competencies I noticed of Kroc was his great work ethic and perseverance. He continued working random odd jobs in order to make ends meet even though it was not exactly what he wanted to do in life. 
3. The one part of the story that confused me the most was probably when he talked about the "shady" work he got into selling bad real estate. I was not sure whether that meant he was dealing with things that were illegal or if just taking advantage of people. 
4. The two questions I would ask would probably be what helped him get through all the hard times. What was the thing he held onto when he was in his darkest days because he seemingly never gave up. The other question I would ask would be how does it feel to know he was part of the one of the largest business in the globe, because that in itself has to be an incredible feeling. 
5. I think Kroc's opinion of hard work is that anything is possible as long as you are prepared to do whatever it takes to succeed in life and not give up. I agree with this too, as nothing ever comes easy and most truly success people have had difficult journeys in order to get to where they are today. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Brooke,

    I also read “Grinding It Out” about Ray Kroc. I read it mostly because I am interested in restaurant chains and grew up going to McDonald’s. I thought that Kroc’s most admirable quality was his perseverance. I think your questions are great and I didn’t think of those myself. My questions were related to how he identified opportunities. Great work!

  3. Hey there Brooke. This is a very well thought out and put together post. Before reading this, I knew next to nothing about Ray Kroc. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic and about his struggles. I said that perseverance was the main competency that Elon Musk has (in my post). Overall, very nice job and thanks!

  4. Hi Brooke,
    To be very honest, I had not heard about Ray Kroc before reading your post, but it gave me a good foundation to build from and want to learn more about him. People who spend their who life being their version of ordinary always fascinate me and when end up being extraordinary. AT 52, most people wouldn’t have been willing to take on an entirely new career because most people are getting ready to retire, so for him to embrace a new beginning is so inspiring .
