Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Whats Your Secret Sauce?

1. Describe 5 ways in which you think your human capital is truly unique?

  • I have the ability to think of endless creative ideas. 
  • I am very god at playing devils advocate, seeing things from both point of view in order to weigh the pro and cons of a situation. This allows me to anticipate problems before they happen. 
  • I am a very rational thinker, while being creative I tend to know what will woken realistically and do not let my ideas get the better of me.
  • I am a people person, I have no problem going up to individuals I do not know and talking things through or explaining new ideas. 
  • I am super honest, I am the worst liar and believe that no matter how bad a situation may be honesty is always the best policy. 
2. Interview 5 people who know you best 
  • Mom: "You have the best work ethic, no matter the task big or small, you give it your all and always get it done" My mom says my work ethic is unparalleled, as I will not stop until the assigned task is done and to the liking of whoever asked for it. 
  • Sage, best friend, "You are the most attentive and caring friend, you always are clued into everyone emotions and can tell when someone is off even just the slightest bit." Sage said that my attention to peoples emotional state is a very valuable characteristic as it allows me to truly read people. 
  • Casey, best friend, "You always make even the worst situations more lighthearted. You have the unique ability to improve everyones mood and bring a light to even the darkest of times" Casey says that my dedication to peoples attitude is part of the reason why people would want to work or me/ do things for me. 
  • Hunter, sister, "You seemingly never ru out of ideas when tasked with a problem to solve, I have always been jealous of how creative you are." Hunter stated that I seem to never run out of ideas to through out whenever any question is asked no matter how big or small. 
  • Dad, "Your adventurous spirit is something about you that I admire" My dad stated that being able to take risks and try new things will serve me well in the business world as nothing can come by playing it safe. 
3. Reflect on your differences
I tend to agree with everything my friends and family stated about me in their interviews. All of the positive traits they listed would be the ones that I would list of myself and I do see how they can be of benefit to me in my future entrepreneurship success. The only differences I would note is my confidence levels. My family and friends tend to be much more confident in my abilities then I am myself. I am definitely not one to brag or boast of any personal attribute or success I have so it is hard to hear such nice things being sad about me and owning u to agreeing with them. After all of this I do not think I would go back and change anything from the list of positive attributes I gave for myself. 


  1. Brooke,
    I think that is is very fascinating that those around us paint such a vivid picture of what are are and what we will become. I think that it is interesting that we do not see the same qualities within ourselves as others see. It makes you really reflect about who you are and what your potential is. I know that for me, I did not consider some of the things my closest people said about me. This is such an incredible concept and I am glad that I got to learn more about you through these interviews. Keep up the great work and continue to persevere to reach your goals.

  2. Hey Brooke! Having the ability to play devil's advocate can be a useful asset for a company to utilize. For example, they could use you to help evaluate if a decision would be good from a consumer's perspective as well. Also, being honest and reliable is really beneficial when establishing reliable relationships with other people in the industry. Good Job!

  3. I am also a creative thinker. Do you happen to be in IA? I sometimes lack playing devil's advocate. Rather I will get the idea that my product is 100% worth it and forget to weight the other side. I would also agree that I am honest and a people person. I am a shy person at first. When I used to meet my teachers in elementary school I would hide behind my parents.

  4. Hi Brooke,
    I think it’s great that you see yourself as someone who is able to play a great Devil’s advocate to see problems and opportunities from all sides. Having a well-rounded outlook on most anything in life is going to be the secret of sustained success. Honesty is the best policy especially as a young professional, your integrity is going to be everything, keep using this policy. Great job!

  5. Hey there Brooke! Overall, very great post. I agree that my friends and family tend to be way more confident in my abilities than I am myself. They see a lot more in me than I do and they always say one day I will see it too. I also would not change any of the things on my list after my interviews.
