Sunday, September 15, 2019

Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Identifying Trends in Economic and Regulatory Trends

1. Baby Boomers are Not Retiring

a) I found this article online after google some major economic issues that have been recently plaguing our society, and the massive amounts of baby boomers who are not retiring was one of them. The reason for not retiring is a lack of savings to fall back on.
b) Due to lack of savings of the baby boomer generation, many older people are needing to continue working just to pay for their daily needs. The opportunity that presents itself is an emphasis on teaching younger generations about savings and getting them started earlier on in life.
c) The idea of teaching about saving plans earlier on and possibly even setting up government funded savings programs would mainly target the the younger generations behind the baby boomers. It would be best to target kids in my age group or even the ones below me for optimal success down the line.
d) I think teaching people about saving, even just starting on a very basic small scale, would be a simple task. Savings are very important and necessary for anyones future, so I think instilling this knowledge in kids form a young age would help them in al cases of their life. A very simple way to encourage kids to save could be done with simple food treats at school, for instance encouraging kids to save up tickets in order to obtain an ice cream treat at the end of the week.

Why: From a young age, my parents have taught me how to save. They began my making me save a portion of my allowance each week and ever since them I have made sure to occasionally put away money for emergencies. Being financially aware has made me more aware of my friends poor decisions with money. After watching them I see the need for education on personal finances even clearer.

2. Climate change to slow global economic growth

a) I found this article on CNMBC, talking mainly about how the recent issues with climate change and natural disasters will eventually have a major impact on the worlds economy. With the rising temperatures, GDP is predicted to drop in several countries as overall output will drop.
b) The opportunity I see in this situation is a way for the government to enforce business nationally to develop more green practices. These economically friendly changes will be enforced due to the fact that down the line if they are not the business will be losing money.
c) In my mind, the most likely consumer of change for this opportunity is americas biggest businesses/corporations. They are the ones who will feel the most impact if output decreases and they are also the ones who have the most ability to make a difference. If we are able to get all the large factory associated for producing most of the country's goods on board with becoming more economically friendly than the more likely it will be to reverse some of these damages.
d) This will not be an easy task, as most companies will try and fight any sort of government interaction and will not want to pay to implement any of thee new changes. Even though it may be controversial, I believe the government will need to take some big steps in order to force change, if not we will end up hurting not only the planet but our countries economic standing.

Why: In my mind this is a very clear solution as the planets needs should really come before our own. To me, it makes the most sense to think if we do not take care of the earth, nothing else will really matter. I have always tried to do my part in helping the environment so I think even the slightest change by some of these big businesses could make a difference.

3. 5 Cyber Security trends to watch for in 2019
a) I found this article after looking up common regulations that cause issues as of this year. This article goes through a number of cybersecurity issues including problems with cloud computing and phishing scams. In this day and age, most of everyones most important information is online and if it is not being protected properly with the correct regulations there will be many identify theft and fraud issues.
b) One opportunity that can come from the trends in tighten cybersecurity is potential new jobs for those skilled in coding and any technology platform. While coding has easily become one of the most difficult things to learn, people may be more inclined to figure it out if there is a promising career at the end of it.
c) The most typical consumer for this opportunity would be kids who are seemly ver interested in technology and have yet to find a career path for them. Specific trade schools or even camps could be set up to train people on how to code skillfully and increase the likelihood of giving them a job at the end.
d) Overall, this opportunity seems relatively easy to set up. The main difficulty would be finding the right people to teach the code as it is already a very difficult thing to learn and the people who are most skilled within it tend to do best on their own, as coding typically is a singular activity, and have them become capable teachers.

Why: I saw this opportunity as a college student and hearing about friends of mine who have become interested in coding. I know from them how difficult it is to learn but also how rewarding it is once you have even figured out the smallest task. I think that many college students would be interested in learning this if an opportunity was provided for them and the idea of a job was promised.

4. Sales tax for E-commerce: what small businesses need to know
a) This article came up after looking up some regulatory trends that will have an immediate impact on  the common mans everyday life. This article is discussing the advantages of E commerce and how online business selling online to out of state consumers can now charge their specific states sales tax to those people.
b) With the new discoveries in sales tax for online shoppers being different deepening on where it is they are buying from there are more opportunities for online retailers to make more money. The opportunity here is for more business to open an online shopping extension to their company that way they can reach more clients and make more money over all.
c) The biggest benefactor from this regulation will be small business owners. The small mom and pop shops that depend mostly on foot traffic for sales now have an opportunity to make more money than they could have before.
d) I think this opportunity is extremely realistic as it is not that difficult to create a website and tie it to some form of bank account to where people could purchase products off of.

Why: I saw this specific opportunity mainly due to the fact that my stepdad is the owner of a small business and has recently made the decision to include an online shopping sector in order to increase profits.


  1. Hi Brooke, this is a really great post. I also did one of my economic trend opportunities based on baby boomers not retiring. What a coincidence! However, we took different approaches to it. While I focused on millennials having to find new sources of work and income, you made it about teaching younger generations about savings and getting started earlier in life. I think that is extremely important too. Growing up, kids should be taught how to be realistic and how to save money. Overall, I think each and every one of your opportunities was really good and taught me new information!

  2. Brooke,
    I'm glad you emphasized the concept of teaching kids from a young age the value of saving. Personally, I don't think government programs such as Social Security will benefit future children as the population is growing at an exponential rate. Furthermore, business owners don't even receive social security so they are forced to develop their own savings plan. When it comes to climate change, I wholeheartedly agree with you that the environment should be a top priority. However I must admit that some businesses will profit off of natural disasters that will ensue due to climate change. Construction companies will continue to make money as societies will need to be rebuilt. Many companies would like to venture out to the Bahamas this very moment to take advantage of the country's misfortune. Even if the people have no money, the government will be forced to pay someone to rebuild. Also, I agree that cyber security is a growing trend, its a great field to get into!

  3. Brooke,

    I like how simple but important your issues are. Some people hear about these things but do not fully understand. Business people who are more worried about money forget about what they are dong to the climate and weather. People forget that the planet is living as well and if we destroy all the beauty this planet has then short after the planet will be destroyed and inhabitable. The biggest issues I see with baby boomers not retiring is that when they do decide to retire who will fill in all those positions. One of my articles I wrote about talked about how America is short on workers already. Since the baby boom, families have decided to have less kids which means once they are of age we will have even less positions to employ. Overall I enjoyed your opportunities.
