Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Solving the Problem

Solving the Problem

Problem: There seems to be a lack of awareness of other cultures within the younger generations today, not enough kids are exposed to the cuisines and overall aspects of cultures today. I believe that it is crucial to the development of a person to understand the differences between their own culture and others around the world. Understanding these differences allows for a more productive person within our society. One great way to learn about a culture is through experiencing their food and I think that many americas kids today do not have enough exposure to different cuisines.

Solution: After conducting interviews my proposition for a solution would be to get the school system involved. My idea is that the school could start up a program where once a month they would have food festivals that children and parents could attend exploring various cultures and their cuisine. These festivals could be tied into the curriculum of the teachers, providing a fun way for the students to learn. This solution is not only beneficial to the students and their development but also the families and teachers, a true win win.


  1. Hey there Brooke! Nice post. I think getting the school system involved is very smart. I don't know if having food festivals is the only way to spread awareness of other cultures, but it sounds like a great start! Experiencing the food of other countries and cultures has always made me feel more informed. I would definitely attend these festivals!!

  2. Hi Brooke, I really enjoyed reading about the solution that you created, and it reminded me of when I was in elementary school, how my mom and a few other parents would collaborate with my teachers to bring in Jewish food around the holidays. It was a great way for me to teach my peers about my religion in the best way, through food! This was a great post and I can tell you have a great idea.

  3. Hi Brooke,
    Growing up I struggled with the idea of being uncultured, as my peers often would explain foreign concepts that were not just limited to food. Cuisine is a great avenue to create a path for everyone to discover new cultures. I found it interesting that you mentioned getting the school system involved in this. Surprisingly enough, Eastside High School in Gainesville actually dedicates a whole day to food sharing from different cultures. I can't recall if it was restricted to certain grade levels or not, but students either chose or were assigned to bring traditional food from different countries around the world. Friends of mine that went to EHS told me its called international day, and the halls or courtyard would be decorated with flags from around the world. As far as I know, EHS is the only school that does this in Alachua County, so it would be cool to see this concept expand to more schools.

  4. Brooke,

    I know this idea could not work everywhere but I am from Orlando. The idea you could use affects Orlando and the nearby cities around. Rather than a month festival for cities nearby Orlando they could take a trip to Disney. If you have not been to Epcot before they have an area on the park where you walk "around the world" getting to taste different drinks and foods. I feel like it could overall cost less than a monthly festival that would take lots of volunteers and/or money. Great idea and I think it could work in many areas.
